Archaeological planning conditions

our projects

Stoke Gifford

An Archaeological Field Evaluation by Trial Trenching was carried out at St Michael’s Barns, 22 The Green, Stoke Gifford, South Gloucestershire, BS34 8PD. The field evaluation was requested in order to mitigate the impact on the potential archaeological resource posed by the erection of a two storey building, car parking and associated works, as part of a change of use from light industrial buildings to a church and community centre.

The evaluation confirmed the potential for the preservation of at least three distinct phases of activity in the vicinity of the Project Site. Trenches 1, 2 and 3 revealed remnants of structures belonging to the mid-19th century planned farm, sealed beneath the 20th century concrete surface. Clear stratigraphic relationships were recorded between these features and the earlier phases of development in all three trenches. The preservation of features was noted across the width of the project site, with pre 19th century features preserved at a depth ranging from 320mm-1.2m below the current ground level.

St John’s Lane

A programme of archaeological investigation and recording was carried out in St. John’s Lane, Gloucester 2019.

Trench One revealed evidence of an outer wall and cellared basement of a brick building, with probably boundary wall and potential outbuilding aligned with St. John’s Lane to the southeast. Although there was no artefactual evidence, the buildings most likely date to the mid-late 18th century, corresponding to the buildings shown fronting St. John’s Lane on the Hall and Pinnel map of 1796.the potential for the preservation of at least three distinct phases of activity in the vicinity of the Project Site. Trenches 1, 2 and 3 revealed remnants of structures belonging to the mid-19th century planned farm, sealed beneath the 20th century concrete surface. Clear stratigraphic relationships were recorded between these features and the earlier phases of development in all three trenches. The preservation of features was noted across the width of the project site, with pre 19th century features preserved at a depth ranging from 320mm-1.2m below the current ground level.


A programme of archaeological work (trench evaluation) was carried out on land North of Church Lane, Carhampton, Somerset (the Project Site). The work was commissioned by Bath & Wells Diocesan Board of Finance and formed the first phase of an investigation designed to inform the proposed development of the land. The investigation comprised of an evaluation numbering seven trenches and was carried out between the 11th and the 16th March 2015.

Of the seven evaluation areas, Trenches Two and Three showed positive signs of activity within the vicinity, both providing evidence of cut and raised features dating to the Medieval period, whilst the remainder of the trenches were negative. Residual sherds of Medieval pottery dating to the 12th to 15th century AD were recovered from within topsoil layers in several other trenches suggesting settlement/occupational activity within the area.


A programme of archaeological investigation and recording was carried out in Horsley, Gloucestershire 2019.

The development area was located on the site of the former Horsley Gaol (c. 1790 – 1880) and is also alleged to be the site of a Medieval Priory. Significant remains were revealed during initial groundwork on site. A full excavation of the development footprint was subsequently carried out as part of additional mitigation works required to discharge the condition of planning.

The programme of archaeological investigation was successful in revealing significant evidence of the mid-19th century Female Wing belonging to Horsley Prison. Potential evidence relating to the use of the site in the Medieval period was also identified.

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