Archaeological services

Heritage Planning Services Ltd is an archaeological service located in Chippenham, Wiltshire. We provide a range of professional archaeological services, geophysical surveys and heritage assessments to support planning applications and developments in Chippenham, Bristol, Bath, Gloucester, Reading, Corsham and Stroud. For more information, please get in touch with us today.

our services

Consultancy and planning

Preliminary site appraisal and planning advice

We offer an initial site survey to identify potential heritage constraints that may affect your project. We can advise you on the prospect of obtaining planning permission and guide you on planning conditions too. Contact us with your queries today.

Preparation of tailored project designs and written schemes of investigation often required to discharge planning conditions
We work alongside experienced developers to provide a Project Design or Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) ahead of a programme of work. All the details are captured of the proposed scheme, which are then used for assessing whether the planned works are suitable for assessing the potential archaeological remains.
Statements of significance
Statements of significance identify the important characteristics of what makes a heritage asset significant and assess the potential impact to that significance from your proposal. The document also includes an assessment of the setting of a heritage asset, details of the planning proposal and an analysis of any potential impact.
Archaeological desk-based assessment
=Archaeological desk-based assessment is undertaken to help determine the potential for archaeology on a site or to clarify knowledge about existing heritage. It is usually a lot more detailed than a statement of significance. The CIfA provides the following description: This is required to gain an understanding of the nature, extent and significance of any historic environment resource within a specified area. Existing written, cartographic, photographic, graphic and electronic resources will be assessed to evaluate the nature, extent and quality of any potential archaeological, historic, architectural and artistic asset.
Environmental impact assessment
We can provide Cultural Heritage chapters for Environmental Statements.

Fieldwork and survey

Archaeological watching briefs
A watching brief comprises a formal programme of observation and investigation, carried out in conjunction with groundwork, where there is potential for archaeology. It allows preservation by record of archaeological deposits.
Trench evaluationoften required to discharge planning conditions
A trench evaluation comprises the excavation of an agreed area to gain information about any archaeological resource within that area. This allows us to formulate a strategy of recording, preservation or management of the resource.
Geophysical survey
A geophysical survey in a non-intrusive investigative technique, designed to determine the extent and nature of any detectable archaeological features. It is employed to help formulate a method of further recording, preservation or management of the resource.
Earthwork survey
Comprises a measured survey of artificial raised anomalies determined as far as reasonably possible to represent archaeological features.
Archaeological excavation
An archaeological excavation will be required where a heritage asset has been identified. The programme of work will comprise a controlled, intrusive programme of work, designed to examine, record and interpret the archaeology. The excavation allows us to examine the archaeological resource and to assess the results within a framework of defined research objectives.
Historic building assessments
A specified structure will be examined by way of a photographic and/or drawn survey, which may be supported by a written description, to establish the character, history, date, form and archaeological development of the asset.

Post excavation and reporting

Here at Heritage Planning Services Ltd, our highly qualified specialists have years of experience in the field and are experts in the post-excavation process.
This process comprises the assessment and interpretation of the material archive and assists in the formulation of suitable research strategies. Our specialists contribute to interim and final reports to satisfy the terms of the specific condition of planning.

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